How Music 'Thinks' Through The Tones Of A Scale
SAMPLE LESSON (complete as it appears within PMMO)


Thinking the Musical Alphabet by ODD Letters

(Just Listen)



In a previous audio example, I mentioned that scales generally do NOT sound like music, because music is NOT based on scales. Although scales tell us which keys will be used to play throughout an entire song, scales do NOT tell us what order those keys will be used to PLAY the song. Fortunately, it's fairly predictable and easy to 'guess', once you can think like music 'thinks'!

So...how does music 'think'? By ODD letters of the musical alphabet (ABCDEFG). Again, MUSIC 'THINKS' BY ODD LETTERS OF THE MUSICAL ALPHABET.

This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to remember and CRUCIAL for easily understanding how melody and harmony work together through a song! Don't forget it:


Music 'thinks' by odd letters of the musical alphabet!


The purpose of this lesson is to get you thinking by ODD letters of the musical alphabet, just like music uses them. To begin, we're going to recite the musical alphabet, through several cycles, by ODD letters. It is just like counting odd numbers, but using the alphabet.

Practice with the audio example above until you have it imprinted into your brain:




  1. Music 'thinks' by odd letters of the musical alphabet!
  2. Music 'thinks' by odd letters of the musical alphabet!
  3. Music 'thinks' by odd letters of the musical alphabet!
  4. and finally, music 'thinks' by odd letters of the musical alphabet!